Virtual Investing Workshop

Discover how to grow your wealth in any market condition

No experience required

As Seen In

Ever felt like this?

  • Working long days or multiple jobs and still not reaching your goals?

  • Wondering why you're not further along by now?

  • Losing confidence that you'll ever be able to retire?

  • Worrying about your financial security and your family's future?

You deserve so much more!

Be confident managing your OWN money. Stand up for your family’s wealth.

What's Included

Discover the Rule #1 Virtual Investing Workshop

  • Hands-on investing education

  • Live coaching sessions in small groups to practice and ask questions

  • Strategies to identify “antifragile” companies for every market condition

  • BONUS: Access to the exact same Toolbox software I use to value the companies on my watchlist

  • BONUS: A business-level course taught in three days

  • BONUS: 10 Rule #1 approved companies you can review to put on your watchlist

And so much more!

Total value:$2,500

Your price:$97

Next available workshop dates

November 15 - 17

What to expect

What is the Rule #1 Virtual Investing Workshop?

During the 3-Day Virtual Investing Workshop, my coaches and I will show you how to conduct research, choose the right companies for you, and determine the best time to buy them.

Here's what you're going to experience:

Phil on stage at live investing summit
Class 112:00pm - 9:00pm ET

Reset your investing journey by learning the qualities of good companies.

Rule #1 students on iPad at live investing summit
Class 210:30am - 9:00pm ET

Choose your favorite company and see if it is worth investing in. Practice this with the help of your Rule #1 coach.

Rule #1 students clapping after investment workshop
Class 310:30am - 7:30pm ET

Learn how to generate cash for your investments and walk away with 10 Rule #1 approved companies for your watchlist.

Next available workshop dates

November 15 - 17

Rule #1 Students with Phil Town

What You'll Get

Through this workshop, you will:

  • Get the knowledge and investing support you need from people like you that have gone through this workshop

  • Finally believe and see that you CAN invest on your own

  • Walk away knowing how to better secure your financial future and comfortable retirement

The Results

Walk Away With:

  • A life of enjoyment

    Making your money work for you is one of the most impactful ways to make more money quickly. Grow your portfolio each year and take advantage of starting early.

  • A crash-resilient portfolio

    Finding the right companies to invest in, that meet Rule #1 criteria, means you can be better equipped to preserve your money regardless of market conditions.

  • The ability to capitalize on compounding interest

    Learn how to generate cash for your investments and walk away with 10 Rule #1 approved companies for your watchlist.

Rule #1 Students

Student Testimonials

As an absolute beginner to investing I wasn't sure what to expect or whether or not I'd even understand anything.

This workshop was AMAZING!!! After the 3 days I've come away with an excitingly huge amount of knowledge and a wealth of resources which I still can't believe have been shared with me. Big ups to the coaches for being great guides. You were both extremely patient and super encouraging. I have told everyone around me to make the Rule #1 workshop is an absolute must before investing. Thank you so much Phil for being so generous with your knowledge, resources and time.

Leilana, October 2020 Rule #1 Workshop

When you see all the strategies come together and see the possibilities it's like someone has turned the light on to a part of the world that was hidden from view.

What a fantastic 3 day workshop. You really have to do the prep work to get the most out of the time with Phil and his team, but the investment of your time is well worth it.

Andrew, November 2020 Rule #1 Workshop

Honestly this workshop has been my greatest investment thus far.

This has been the most powerful workshop that I have been a part of. The workshop is very detailed and informational. Although it's only 3 days, the amount of information that you consume will last you a lifetime. I'm ready to go out and put the information into practice.

Junior, January 2020 Rule #1 Workshop

Show up ready to learn and I'll make sure you know what you're doing

We don’t just talk at you for three days, you practice in real-time with LIVE Rule #1 coaches!

Phil Town Profile Picture

Phil Town

Founder of Rule #1 Investing and 3x New York Times Best-selling Author

Hi, I'm Phil,

I'm a full-time investor and entrepreneur, and I've helped more than 2 million people around the world learn how to invest on their own.

I want you to know that I was once in your shoes. It felt scary and exciting when I first started out. I had no idea what I was doing and felt like a fraud. Who am I to make money from the stock market? Am I doing this right? Will this really work?

Now that I know what it actually takes to be successful as an investor, I don't worry anymore. As it turns out, you really can do this by just following some of the simple rules Warren Buffett has been talking about for over 80 years.

My investing strategy was ranked the #1 highest return in 2014 and #2 highest return in 2019 out of over 60 professional strategies analyzed by the American Association for Individual Investors. I've also written 3 New York Times best-sellers, created over 300 podcast episodes with millions of downloads, made guest-appearances on CNBC and MSNBC, and shared stages with Presidents like Ford, Bush, and Carter to make these critical principles available to everyone who wants to learn them.

I love what I do, and I am passionate about sharing what I've been able to do with others, to help them secure their own financial future and live the life they want and deserve.

Let's be real for a second...

Does my career take time and effort? Of course. Does it give me more freedom? Yes. Does it pay off? Absolutely.

I hope you'll join my coaches and me for the opportunity to gain the financial freedom you've always wanted. See you there!

Phil Town Signature

Phil Town

Phil Town on stage at investment summit
Phil Town with students at live investment workshop
Rule #1 Investment Workshop coaches
Phil Town on stage at investment summit
Rule #1 Investment Workshop students shaking hands
Rule #1 Investment Workshop students receiving coaching
Rule #1 Investment Workshop stage view from the audience
Rule #1 Investment Workshop students lined up on stage
Phil Town interacting with student at investment workshop
Phil Town on stage at investment summit


Well-Known Professionals
Trust Rule #1

Rule #1 shows you how to buy quality stocks at a discount.

Rich Karlgaard, publisher, author of Life 2.0

Forbes Logo

Rule #1 is the clearest & best book out there to get you on the path to riches.

James Cramer, host of CNBC's “Mad Money” and Markets Commentator

Mad Money Logo

Follow Town's simple, time-tested precepts, and even unsophisticated investors will leave most mutual fund managers in the dust.

Arthur Levitt, author of Take on the Street and former Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission

Securities and Exchange Commission Logo

Indeed, Rule #1 rules!

Gene Marcial, Senior Writer

Bloomberg Logo

Join other Rulers and me at my next Virtual Investing Workshop

So, This Is Where Your Journey Starts

Here's what you REALLY get from enrolling in this Virtual Investing Workshop...

  • A true understanding of the stock market and how to use it to your advantage

  • A value-driven approach to finding wonderful businesses

  • Clear rules you can follow to know whether or not it makes sense to invest

  • The confidence you need to analyze a company's numbers and management

  • The tools to build your own portfolio and start building the future you want

Phil and Coach

The Rule #1 Workshop

Okay... But is this Workshop worth it?

You can continue putting off your future until tomorrow. And the next day. Before you know it, months will go by. Or instead...

Enjoy financial freedom by managing your own money using the simple method you'll learn from this workshop.


Some Questions You Might Have Before Joining