Now, let me tell you how I view the current stock market - or any stock market for that matter.
First of all, I'm never optimistic or pessimistic about the overall market in terms of what direction I think it will go. That's because I never buy the stock market. I'm not buying index funds and I'm not buying hundreds of stocks that mimic the S&P 500.
If you've followed my advice, read my books, or heard me speak, you'll know that my success is based solely on identifying a few great companies, knowing why I want to buy them, determining how much they're worth, and waiting for opportunities to get them at a discount.
Therefore, an irrational and wild market is actually good for Rule #1 investors like myself and my students because it presents opportunities.
How to Pick Rule #1 Stocks
5 simple steps to find, evaluate, and invest in wonderful companies.
Learn How to Master the Current Stock Market From Home
One of the best parts about this proven investing and wealth-building method is that it practically eliminates anxiety and frustration with any market condition. I don't care about the market at all; I only have to care about my basket of stocks - those that I own now and those on my shopping list to buy.
This is why I sleep really well at night. Because I’ve put in the work, I’ve learned the skills, and I'm confident in the method that’s worked for so many investors for nearly eighty years.
If you're losing sleep at night worrying about the state of the current stock market, fearing you won’t have enough money to retire or wondering if you’re missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime, then I'd like to invite you to learn how can you really take advantage of this current volatile market.
For the past 15 years, my coaches and I have taught this method to students at my live workshops all over the world. We started in Singapore back in 2009, right after the 2008 financial crisis and ten years later those folks made a 1257% return on the portfolio that we researched together in the classroom.
People who have never invested in the past or those who have but want to be better at this have flown from all over the world to spend time with me and my certified Rule #1 coaches and they go home with the newfound knowledge (and a list of 10 companies) that empowers them to invest like the most successful investors in the world - such as Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger.
But now, due to the new pandemic restrictions, my team and I have transitioned to a new online format because this is what I love the most: giving you guys my best value-based investing training and keeping you safe. You can now learn the Rule #1 investing method from the comfort of your home while saving a lot of money.
What You’ll Get at My 2-Day Virtual Investing Workshop
After my first virtual investing workshops at the beginning of March, the results were astounding.
I got tons of feedback from RULERS saying they enjoyed the virtual event just as much, if not more than my in-person workshops. (Granted it's much cheaper and they can attend from the comfort of their couch, so I don't blame them).
My 2-day virtual workshop is designed to teach you:
The Fundamental Rule #1 Investing Principles
How to Choose Great Businesses Like a Pro
How to Create Your Crash-Resilient Portfolio
If you're open to learning this method and seeing how we do it, I encourage you to visit this page and register now. The seats are limited because we have live coaches and small, personalized groups, so don’t miss this opportunity. It’s a transformational experience and, I’m not going to lie, we require just as much attention from you during the event.
Take Advantage of the Current Stock Market
Learning how to invest is one of the easiest and most important ways you can achieve financial freedom. I’ve always been an advocate for improving your investing skills, but now it truly is more important than ever to expand your investing knowledge.
The market is incredibly volatile and is causing a ton of really great companies to go on sale at no fault of their own; it's purely because fear is driving today’s market.
This is the monumental Rule #1 style “event” we’ve been waiting for after a record 10-year all-time high stock market.
Now is the time where you can buy well-managed, crash-resistant companies, at a fraction of their usual price. Imagine buying a $10 bill for 5 bucks. It’s a no-brainer. You don’t want to miss this deal.
But, it won’t last long, so you need to be ready.
Join me at my virtual event and I’ll help you learn exactly how to find companies on sale, evaluate if they will be able to withstand this market crash, and create a Rule #1 approved watch list.
Reserve your seat today -- I look forward to seeing you soon!
How to Pick Rule #1 Stocks
5 simple steps to find, evaluate, and invest in wonderful companies.