Rule #1 Transformational Investing Workshop Featured Instructors
Get to know the Rule #1 instructors personally by reading their stories to learn how they started out with almost no investing knowledge, yet found success and financial freedom using Rule #1 principles.
Get to know the Rule #1 instructors personally by reading their stories to learn how they started out with almost no investing knowledge, yet found success and financial freedom using Rule #1 principles.
Our instructors embody the drive and passion that it takes to become a Rule #1 student. Follow along during the workshop as they share the skills and habits of a successful investor.
Transformational Investing Workshop Overview
The Rule #1 Transformational Investing Workshop is an interactive, hands-on event where you will learn how to research, choose the right companies to invest in, and when the best time to buy them is from world-renowned expert investor Phil Town and his coaches.
Get to know the Rule #1 Instructors below who you will meet at the workshop.
Take a look at what you’re going to experience in these three days:
Reset your investing journey by knowing qualities of good companies.
Choose your favorite company and see if it is worth investing in. Practice this with the help of your Rule #1 coach.
Learn how to generate cash for your investments and take a deep dive into options trading. Walk away with 10 Rule #1 approved companies for your watchlist.
Featured Instructors
Austin Bowen
- Rule #1 Instructor
Austin is an international speaker having spoken to well over 40,000 students about the Rule One Investing principles and is a Senior Investment Analyst for Phil Town. Austin began his investing journey after reading Phil Town’s book Rule #1 in 2010 while he was an 11th grader in high school.
After high school, Austin enlisted in the United States Air Force and volunteered into one of the Department of Defense’s most elite special operations units to become a Combat Controller. As part of Austin’s 28-month training pipeline, he graduated from many distinguished schools to include Army Special Forces Combat Diver School, Army Special Forces Military Freefall School, Air Force SERE School, Air Force Air Traffic Control School, and Special Operation Tactical Air Control School. These schools make up a few of the many schools required to graduate the Combat Control training “pipeline”.
Upon finishing his training, Austin was stationed in Okinawa, Japan for three years. While there, Austin worked alongside Navy Seals, Green Berets, Marine Force Recon and Army Rangers in efforts to assist allied military forces across Southeast Asia. Additionally, Austin conducted two 6-month deployments to Afghanistan attached to Green Beret teams who were conducting counterterrorism operations. Austin returned from both deployments with numerous awards to include Army and Air Force Commendation Medals, Army Combat Action Badge, and Air Force Combat Action Medals.
Through Austin’s seven years of service in the Air Force, he never dropped his passion for investing or his education from Phil and would frequently take vacation leave from the military to come learn from Phil at his investing workshops. Upon deciding to exit the Air Force and pursue a career in finance, Phil hired him the day after his service ended, and for the past three years he has lived in the Atlanta, GA area working directly for Phil.
In addition to working as an analyst, Austin’s drives for a Porsche racing team and donates his time and money to his favorite charity, Bert’s Big Adventure. Bert’s identifies disabled children across America whose families are in need of financial support, and fully finances a weeklong trip to Disney World for the children and families along with providing them financial support for medical expenses into the future.
Favorite Quote- “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it; think of it; live on that idea. Let the brain, the body, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” – Swami Vivekananda
Helpful Links
Dive into these tools to get ready for the workshop:
Rule #1 Toolbox
Set up your account using the email address you registered with for the Rule #1 workshop.
Think or Swim Paper Money account
Set up your account to practice trading.
Stay in the Know
Get ready for the upcoming workshop with some recommended reading in my latest blogs:
How to Invest in Stocks in 2024
This will provide you with a great foundation to understand the stock market before you wade into the wonderful world of investing.
Small Investment Ideas for $500, $1,000, $5,000 & $10,000
This blog has tons of ideas on how to invest even if you only have a small amount of money to work with.