Rule #1 Transformational Investing Workshop Featured Instructors

Get to know the Rule #1 instructors personally by reading their stories to learn how they started out with almost no investing knowledge, yet found success and financial freedom using Rule #1 principles.

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Get to know the Rule #1 instructors personally by reading their stories to learn how they started out with almost no investing knowledge, yet found success and financial freedom using Rule #1 principles.

Our instructors embody the drive and passion that it takes to become a Rule #1 student. Follow along during the workshop as they share the skills and habits of a successful investor.

Transformational Investing Workshop Overview

The Rule #1 Transformational Investing Workshop is an interactive, hands-on event where you will learn how to research, choose the right companies to invest in, and when the best time to buy them is from world-renowned expert investor Phil Town and his coaches.

Get to know the Rule #1 Instructors below who you will meet at the workshop.

Take a look at what you’re going to experience in these three days:

phil on stage

Reset your investing journey by knowing qualities of good companies.


Choose your favorite company and see if it is worth investing in. Practice this with the help of your Rule #1 coach.

Man sitting on a computer

Learn how to generate cash for your investments and take a deep dive into options trading. Walk away with 10 Rule #1 approved companies for your watchlist.

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